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Thank you to the OTCDMG

Last week, we had the privilege to attend the 15th annual OTCDMG (Ohio Thoracic and Cardiovascular Data Managers Group) Conference in Lima, Ohio. The conference was attended by data managers from all over the Midwest, and featured a jam-packed lineup of speakers who addressed myriad facets of the ever-changing landscape of registry data collection. Heartbase President Nicholas Gawrit had the honor of speaking about interoperability, structured reporting, and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), of which he is the co-chair of the Technical Committee for the Cardiology Domain.

Special thanks to Vicki Reindel, Teresa Knueve, and the wonderful team at St. Rita’s Medical Center, who hosted the conference and helped make it such a great success. Events like these are invaluable for both the information provided by speakers and the conversations we were able to have with the attendees. While we love attending events like the STS AQO and NCDR national conferences, the intimacy of the OTCDMG conference gave us the opportunity to have in-depth discussions with data managers, who provided us with considerable insight and perspective that we will use to improve and expand the scope of our platform. Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit our booth. We look forward to seeing all of you next year!

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